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Herb Greenfield here with all things cannabis hemp. This is an avenue for information, commentary, shopping, and 420 travel with my partner Destin8tions Travel.


Please feel free to leave a comment, inquiry, or facts that i might not have covered.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube using the links above.

Herb Greenfield Hemp Research Fund


Alertness, Awareness, and Activisim

Asking sincerely for a $2.00 Pledge on behalf of research, politics, old and new benefits, and commentary so that there is an open dialogue and welcoming all opinions and facts on the issue of hemp. take a stand, exercise, and seize your human rights.


feel free to check out the rest of my website and leave me an email with questions or concerns. then look out for herb greenfield's family jewels, all original handcrafted jewelry and accessories.


Also, checkout my partner, destin8tions travel, for your 420 excursions and other travel needs.

Consindering a 420 travel destin8tion? Click the image to plan your next 420 Friendly Getaway!

To make a pledge of more than $2.00, please use the paypal button below. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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